WiFiBroot - A WiFi Pentest Cracking tool for WPA/WPA2 (Handshake, PMKID, Cracking, EAPOL, Deauthentication)


A WiFi-Penetest-Cracking tool for WPA/WPA2 (Handshake, PMKID, Offline Cracking, EAPOLS, Deauthentication Attack).


WiFiBroot is built to provide clients all-in-one facility for cracking WiFi (WPA/WPA2) networks. It heavily depends on scapy, a well-featured packet manipulation library in Python. Almost every process within is dependent somehow on scapy layers and other functions except for operating the wireless interface on a different channel. That will be done via native linux command iwconfig for which you maybe need sudo privileges. It currently provides four independent working modes to deal with the target networks. Two of them are online cracking methods while the other runs in offline mode. The offline mode is provided to crack saved hashes from the first two modes. One is for deauthentication attack on wireless network and can also be used as a jamming handler. It can be run on a variety of linux platforms and atleast requires WN727N from tp-link to properly operate.


WiFiBroot heavily depends on scapy. So, you would need scapy installed. Almost, every other library would likely be installed on your system. Make sure the version you install for scapy should be <=2.4.0. Newer versions are likely to throw some unknown errors.
$ sudo pip3 install scapy==2.4.0
The script is supposed to be run under sudo but it will still work even if not run under the root mode. The basic necessary arguments are:
$ sudo python3 wifibroot.py -i [interface] -d /path/to/dictionary -m [mode]

Documentation :

WiFiBroot uses modes to identify which attack you want to perform on your target. Currently, there are three available modes. The usage of each mode can be seen by supplying the --help/-h option right after the -m/--mode option. Here's a list of available modes and what they do:


    $ python3 wifibroot.py [--mode [modes]] [--options]
    $ python3 wifibroot.py --mode 2 -i wlan1mon --verbose -d /path/to/list -w pmkid.txt

    #     Description                                 Value
    01    Capture 4-way handshake and crack MIC code    1
    02    Captures and Crack PMKID (PMKID Attack)       2
    03    Perform Manual cracking on available
          capture types. See --list-types               3
    04    Deauthentication. Disconnect two stations
          and jam the traffic.                          4

Use -h, --help after -m, --mode to get help on modes. 
Each mode has a specific purpose and has it's own options:


   01      Capture 4-way handshake and crack MIC code    1

   Args               Description                      Required
   -h, --help         Show this help manual              NO
   -i, --interface    Monitor Interface to use           YES
   -v, --verbose      Turn off Verbose mode.             NO
   -t, --timeout      Time Delay between two deauth
                      requests.                          NO
   -d, --dictionary   Dictionary for Cracking            YES
   -w, --write        Write Captured handshake to
                      a seperate file                    NO
       --deauth       Number of Deauthentication
                      frames to send                     NO 

   -e, --essid         ESSID of listening network
   -b, --bssid         BSSID of target network.
   -c, --channel       Channel interface should be listening
                       on. Default: ALL


   02      Captures and Crack PMKID (PMKID Attack)       1

   Args               Description                      Required
   -h, --help         Show this help manual              NO
   -i, --interface    Monitor Interface to use           YES
   -v, --verbose      Turn off Verbose mode.             NO
   -d, --dictionary   Dictionary for Cracking            YES
   -w, --write        Write Captured handshake to
                      a seperate file                    NO

   -e, --essid         ESSID of listening network
   -b, --bssid         BSSID of target network.
   -c, --channel       Channel interface should be listening
                       on. Default: ALL

Offline Cracking

   03    Perform Manaul cracking on available capture
         types. See --list-types                         3

   Args               Description                      Required 
   -h, --help         Show this help manual              NO
       --list-types   List available cracking types      NO
       --type         Type of capture to crack           YES
   -v, --verbose      Turn off Verbose mode.             NO
   -d, --dictionary   Dictionary for Cracking            YES
   -e, --essid        ESSID of target network. 
                      Only for HANDSHAKE Type            YES
   -r, --read         Captured file to crack             YES


    04   Deauthentication. Disconnect two stations
         and jam the traffic.                            4

    Args              Description                      Required
    -h, --help        Show this help manual              NO
    -i, --interface   Monitor Mode Interface to use      YES
    -0, --count       Number of Deauthentication
                      frames to send. '0' specifies
                      unlimited frames                   YES
        --ap          Access Point MAC Address           NO
        --client      STA (Station) MAC Address          NO


To Capture 4-way handshake and crack MIC code:
$ python3 wifibroot.py --mode 1 -i wlan1mon --verbose -d dicts/list.txt -w output.cap 
To Capture and Crack PMKID:
$ python3 wifibroot.py --mode 2 -i wlan1mon --verbose -d dicts/list.txt -w output.txt
Offline Crack Handshake and PMKID:
$ python3 wifibroot.py --mode 3 --type handshake --essid "TARGET ESSID" --verbose -d dicts/list.txt --read output.cap
$ python3 wifibroot.py --mode 3 --type pmkid --verbose -d dicts/list.txt --read output.txt
Deauthentication attack in various form:
# Ultimate Deauthentication attack: 
$ python3 wifibroot.py --mode 4 -i wlan1mon -00 --verbose
# Disconnect All Clients from Acess Point:
$ python3 wifibroot.py --mode 4 -i wlan1mon --ap [AP MAC] --verbose
# Disconnect a Specific Client: 
$ python3 wifibroot.py --mode 4 -i wlan1mon --ap [AP MAC] --client [STA MAC] --verbose 

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