Kali Linux 2019.3 Release

Kali Linux 2019.3 has now been using CloudFlare CDN to mirror the Kali Linux repository.

Feature Released:

Setup Notes

A couple of notes when installing Kali. If you choose to install Kali in a VM (rather than downloading our pre-made image), during the setup process, it should now detect if its running in VMware or VirtualBox and install the necessary packages to give you the best experience possible. However, if you have upgraded Kali rather than doing a fresh install, and never got around to installing these packages, the process has been automated by just running kali-setup. This program will have more functionally at a later date.​
If you use Kali in a VirtualBox, please ensure you allocate 32 MB or more video memory to the VM, otherwise you may now run into some “interesting” issues where the screen is frozen after login through the graphical greeter, as if the computer had crashed, except that it’s working (you could confirm it by switching to another virtual terminal). If you are affected by this problem, you might see the following message from the kernel: [drm] Error -12 pinnning new fb, out of video mem?.​

Download Kali Linux 2019.3

If you would like to check out the latest Kali release, you can find the download links for ISOs and Torrents on the Kali Downloads page along with links to the Offensive Security virtual machine and ARM images, which have also been updated to 2019.3. If you already have a Kali installation you’re happy with, you can easily upgrade in place as follows.​
root@kali:~# apt update && apt -y full-upgrade

Ensuring your Installation is Updated

To double check your version, first make sure your Kali package repositories are correct:​
root@kali:~# cat <<EOF>/etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
root@kali:~# apt update
Afterwards run apt -y full-upgrade, you may require a reboot (if the kernel got upgraded):​
root@kali:~# apt -y full-upgrade
root@kali:~# [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ] && reboot -f
You should now be on Kali Linux 2019.3. We can do a quick check by doing:
root@kali:~# grep VERSION /etc/os-release
root@kali:~# uname -v
#1 SMP Debian 5.2.9-2kali1 (2019-08-22)
root@kali:~# uname -r
NOTE: The output of uname -r may be different depending on architecture.
​As always, should you come across any bugs in Kali, please submit a report on our bug tracker. We’ll never be able to fix what we don’t know about.

Source: Kali.org

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